Monday, January 17, 2011

Busy Season makes for long days....

Its January and its a given that Scott will be working late almost every night.  For mommy this makes the days seem as if they will never end.  It never fails on the nights that things have been going smoothly and I should get them bathed, in PJ's, and in bed at a normal hour that one of the 3 kids and/or one of the cats do something that makes the night go down hill. 

As I write this story in the blog I am sure some may find the story gross and wonder why I am even documenting this.  Its my way of remembering how things don't always go our way and since we have no control over the situation why not laugh! 

Abby and Dylan were in the tub and I hear Dylan say "mommy Abby pooped in the tub".  Of course I think he is joking since his favorite conversation and word at the moment is about poop.  I walk in there anyway to be sure all is ok and yup there they are floating!!  Great, I thought.  I take both of them out of the tub and go get paper towels, plastic baggies, and bathroom cleaner.  When I enter the bathroom Abby is standing there at the side of the tub still pooping!!!  Dylan is screaming "mommy she is still pooping!!".  Seriously Abby get on the toilet is my next thought.  I clean her up and clean the tub.  Then as I turn around to put her and Dylan back in the tub she is standing there peeing all over the clothes on the floor.  Again I think , get on the toilet that is right in front of your face!

In the middle of all this Scott text me that he is on his way.  I text back "Fabulous! Abby just pooped in the tub! I love my job!!"  He text back and says " Really?????? Puke." My response was " Don't Really????? or puke at me when you are driving home in a nice cozy sports car listening to music as I clean up poop with no make up on and know I still have a house to clean up when I'm done cleaning your daughter's poop!!!" He then has the nerve to text back with "what?? Why is the house not clean already??"  Good thing I know his sense of humor or I may have gone a little crazy on him when he walked in the door. 

In the end I laughed, actually so hard it was hard to talk.  So why are we going for # 4 I ask????


  1. Too funny. Jeremy would have said the same as Scott. ;)

  2. That's hilarious! But, I thought Abby was already potty trained ;)
