Thursday, November 3, 2011

Colby learns to ride a bike.....

Today we went outside to play and I randomly asked Colby if he wanted to try to ride his bike with no training wheels.  He has been asking to try again so I wasn't surprised when he said yes.  My neighbor Amy had given me some pointers on how to help him balance and get him going so that was my plan of action.  Out to the street we went and I stood behind him holding on to his sides to help keep his balance.  Very nervous he decided he wanted to go in our driveway to practice.  About this time Brian and Andrew were outside cheering him on.  Brian came over to help and give Colby a few pointers.  Then before I knew it Brian had Colby out in the street helping and within 10 minutes of Brian coaching Colby was riding all by himself!!  Amy and I were cheering him on with so much excitement! Then about 5 minutes later daddy was driving down the street I pointed at Colby so he would watch him.  Once daddy knew what he was doing he began to beep the horn over and over. 

Colby's smile could light up the night! He was so proud of himself! It's such an awesome feeling to see your kid accomplish something and see the excitement in their eyes!

Brian holding Colby and coaching him

Helping him keep his balance

Little brother cheering him on

Brian let go but Colby wasnt ready...Nice catch Brian

Brian isnt holding on....

He is doing it!! Brian is so excited!

Go Colby....just watch out for the mailboxes

All on his own

He wants to keep riding :-)

Thanks Brian!

Colby wanted to keep practicing so we stayed outside to play.  Here are a few pictures of the fun we were having....


  1. Hooray for Colby!! WTG!! Love these pictures, sis.

  2. Is Scott really riding that bike?? Awesome, Colby. Come teach your buddy Evan! I actually considered riding Caleigh's bike the other day. She and I walked all the way to Publix & back and she made it look so easy just strolling along on her bike while I was power-walking trying to keep up.
