Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ice Sckating

Carter celebrated his 7th birthday at the ice skating rink.  The boys were so excited to go and try this out....then the day of the party they started to get worried.  Mommy will you be on the ice with us?  Mommy will the skates be wide enough so I don't fall?  Mommy will it be cold inside?  Mommy can I wear gloves in case I fall?  These questions didn't stop all day!!  I gathered hats, gloves and a fleece for each and off we went.  Daddy was meeting us there and was actually excited to ice skate. 

Colby had a rough start and we ended up having to change his skates to the hockey skates vs the figure skates.  He did better but had a hard time keeping his feet straight and his ankles from collapsing inward.  Daddy stayed with Colby a lot of the time while I was helping Dylan. Amazingly, Dylan went right out on the ice and did pretty good! He wasn't as scared as he thought he would be and he actually kept himself off the ice most of the time.  Mommy and Daddy didn't do too bad either. 

The best thing was to see most of the kids hanging onto the wall as they went around the rink.  Seemed as if everyone was having a good time even if they kept falling. 

After some hard work on the ice it was time for some pizza and cake! Oh and don't forget the parents needed an adult cocktail :-)

We stayed to help the Barksdale clean up and watch Carter open his presents.  The kids got a special treat and watched a mens hockey team play.  Each family got to come home with a hockey puck....that made the kids night!

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