Once again my husband thinks that our 2 1/2 year old is ready to be potty trained. I beg to differ! All of you who know him probably realize this also. Love love love my little Dylan but he is way too busy to stop and think about going pee or poop. Maybe I am missing the boat on getting him out of diapers but it is way easier/faster for me to change his diaper than take him potty every 20 minutes with two other kids in tow. So daddy decided to put him in "ware ware" aka underware after bath. Daddy called it an experiment, an experiment for who I might ask?!?! Dylan doesn't make it more than a 1/2 hour and daddy notices he has peed in his pants. Here is the conversation on their way to the bedroom to change:
daddy: if you want to wear big boy underware you can't pee in your pants
Dylan: I get to pick out new pj's
Daddy: if you feel wet you need to run to the bathroom
Dylan: I get to pick out new pj's
Daddy: don't you want to be like Colby and wear "ware ware"?
Dylan: I want monkey pj's
by the way this conversation is going on simutaneously Dylan isn't listening to daddy at all.
Mean while Dylan comes out in puppy, not monkey pj's (he doesn't even have monkey pj's) all excited because he has new pj's on. This kid didn't even care that he peed in his pants.