Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Potty Training Day 2

So we wake up to start the day off with "I don't want to go potty" "it won't come out". Great I'm so excited to do this all over again. Trying to keep my cool we get dressed and start eating breakfast. Somehow during my conversation with my 4 yr old and 2 1/2 yr old over peanut butter toast and apples I fiqure out Dylan has pooped in his pants. No big deal it happens (this is what I am telling myself). Change underware and we move on. I set the timer and keep reminding him to go potty. I get the same whining as above.

As the time passes by Colby is bored out his mind so I decide let's go for a bike ride. We make it home with no accident but more whining as I ask him to go potty when we get home. Now I tell him he can't put his underware on til he goes potty. About 10 min go by and he starts yelling "I need to go poopie" I say "go fast get to the potty" (btw I cannot get up because I am feeding Abby). He procedes to poop on the potty Colby runs in to see and yells "he did he did". I get up and sure enough he did!!! Colby then tells him if he pees too he will get 10 nims (M&M's). He jumps off the seat throws the lid up and goes pee pee!! We are throwing high fives and call daddy.

Not too long later I walk into the playroom and he looks funny I ask "do you need to go potty" and I see him holding one leg outward and he says "I went poopie". What????? Yep he sure did right on the floor.....sorry to be graphic but it wasn't the most solid piece of poop. I just shake my head and go clean him and the floor.

Finally we are at naptime!!! Don't kid yourself I am not trying this at nap or bedtime so he puts a pull up on. Two and half hours later he wakes and are you kidding me......his pull up is DRY!!! How?? He goes straight to the bathroom and goes potty. Whatever Dylan!

Daddy comes home and the boys go outside to help mow the yard. Scott comes in after being outside for a little bit and is grossed out and frustrated because Dylan pooped his pants and it wasn't very solid! Seriously did you really come in and act as if you have delt with this all day?!?! He is frantically trying to find wipes and saying "these underware are ruined". Hello aren't you outside can't you just hose him off?? Really I think he just needed to let me know he was cleaning poop!

On to day 3......

1 comment:

  1. sounds like he's well on his way! potty training is soo much fun isn't it! he's doing WAY better than kaeden did when we started though so GO DYLAN!!!!

    p.s. have you still not figured out the picture thing??? if you give me your log on I'll see if i can figure out why you can't load them. :)
