Saturday, September 11, 2010

Abby's Milestones

As you have read my summmer has been so CRAZY!! My precious little girl grew up quickly right before my own eyes! She began to crawl at the beginning of the summer and now she is lightening fast! She even does the crab crawl especially when she has dresses on. We call her "our little crab".

Pulling up was accomplished too and there was a time when she would pull up on the coffee table or ottoman and then stand there screaming or crying because she had no idea how to get back down. Thank goodness that didnt last long and she fiqured it out. Her squeal is piercing to the ears.

Then she began to wave and let me tell you how adorable it is when she waves!! Sometimes its with one hand and sometimes you get a double wave. When she first began to wave her best wave was when daddy came home from work and he said "hi Poopsie" and she immediately waved at him. He melted :)! I do beleive she knows how cute she is when she waves because she loves to give you the wave and an adorable smile when she is getting in trouble. Makes us laugh which isnt going to be good for her learning right from wrong.....we are in trouble already.

Ms Katie taught her how to drink out of a sippy cup! Abby would only do it if we took the valve out and tipped the cup back. Of course mommy was getting worried thinking she would ever drink out of a sipy cup and she would require her milk from a bottle once she turned one. Neither one of my boys ever used a bottle for cows milk and I was not going to let her win this one. So i shipped her down to Mrs Becky and Ms Katie and told them they had one job while they were babysitting. It worked!! Then about a week later we were at Monkeys Jungle and she was fussing so I was going to let her chew on my straw and to my surprise she was drinking my diet coke :)! Sippy cup and a straw all within one week. Whoo Hoo!!

She says Mama all the time and is starting to try and say Dada. She makes lots of other sounds too that actually sound like she is trying to talk chinese. The boys love mimicking her. Speaking of the boys they love her. Colby is very gentle and always wants her around to play. He wants to give her hugs and kisses before she goes to bed, loves to feed her, and keeps asking for Baby Blake (Blake would have been the boys name if Abby would have been a boy). Dylan loves her too but he shows it in another way. He is ready for her to play for real and is somewhat rough. All we keep telling him is that one day Abby is going to slug you andw e arent going to say a word to her. He does want to give her hugs and kisses too and will be the first to want to go into her room when she wakes to play with her.

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