Friday, September 28, 2012

Conners A-Mazing-Acres

Hayride, feeding cows, cow train, chickens, turkeys, bunnies, a baby duck, and an awesome playground made for a great field trip!! Thankful for the homeschool group that I am involved with so we could go for a group rate and during the week when it wasn't so busy.  The only unfortunate thing was the corn had a disease so it wasn't even taller than Blake :-(.  We didn't even venture out into the corn since we could see where we were going.  The kids had a blast and so did Grammy. 
There are a lot of pictures but to me so worth showing each one of them. 

Hayride to feed the animals

Baby piggie

Cows took over during snack time

Blake feeding the cows

Watching them eat the corn he gave them

They were so mesmerized over the cows eating (and using the bathroom)

Mimi and Abby

There is a family out there who will be eating well in a few weeks ;-)

Abby cuddling with the bunny

Colby giving the bunny hugs

Dylan..checking the bunny out and then saying "no thanks he will scratch me"

So Mimi held the bunny instead

Mama duck and her baby

This horse was so sweet and loved Blake's snacks

Getting ready to ride the cow train

Perfect cow car for her wouldn't you say :-)

Blake look at mommy and smile...nope!! Too interested in something else

Looks like someone might be getting a bit too big for this train

Please let Blake make it back

Cow train being pulled by nothing else but a big ol tractor

Here they go

Love the sign in the background

Need this at home

This might be her second home if we had this in the backyard

Corn Bath

He loved this...laughing the entire time

Trying to sell it to Grammy and I

My fellow homeschool buddy Patti

Go Carts that you had to peddle....a bit too hard on the grass

Not getting far


Making nosies as he came down the bumpy slide

Colby thought it felt funny on his bum

Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb

Can you see Blake's smile

As we were walking out the boys saw this grasshopper on a branch. 
Funny how boys can pick things out like this.  He wasn't easy to see.

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