Thursday, January 5, 2012

Oh where did my baby go??

Blake has had one bad day today!!  He wont let me put him down and when I do he has a blood curling scream! This all began 2 days ago.  All of a sudden he has not been taking long naps and hates to be put in the pack and play.  If you try to comfort him with pacifier he screams louder and harder.  Yesterday I did get him to take a 2.5 hour nap but I had to go in several times to help settle him.  Today has been the worse.  I cannot put him down without him screaming for so long that he begins to fall into the silent cry.  Thankfully when my friend, Kasey, dropped Abby off from school she took Blake from me and let me take a shower.  At this point I had already put a call into the doctor thinking he might have an ear infection.  Appointment made for 3:20 and off we went.  I prayed for there to be an answer because I needed a break.  Oh no...nothing but a perfect baby the doctor said!!  What??? How can that be he isn't himself and I am tired...please please just say its his ears.  Here I go home with 2 ramboncious boys, a drama queen, and one fussy baby.  All I could do is hope and pray the rest of the day would get better.  He did allow for me to put him in the exersaucer for some time and he sat in his bumbo as the kids and I ate dinner.  I put him on the table in the bumbo so he could see us all.  When I put him to bed he did scream, not cry, himself to sleep (12 minutes to be exact).

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