Saturday, January 28, 2012

Run 5 to keep Kids Alive

This was my 1st race since having Blake and I'm not quite sure I trained as well as I should have.  I had ran 5 miles prior to this day and did OK but not as fast as I wish I would have.  Last year I ran the same race 8 weeks pregnant with Nikki who was 9 weeks pregnant and we finished in 45 minutes.  The competitiveness in me wanted to be sure I finished in the same amount of time if not faster.  Ami came up from Orlando to run too and have a girls night out.  She was very sweet and stuck with me the whole time except running up the bridges but then would wait for me once I made it up.  She talked to me most of the way but of course I could barely talk due to the fact that we started the race extremely fast (first mile in 8 minutes).

The course started at the Jacksonville Landing and finished on the Riverwalk which is on the backside of the Landing.  There are 2 bridges, an overpass, and a ramp for walkers that gets them over the train tracks and river.  Needless to say it's not the easiest 5 miles.  At one point we did come back by the start line (between 2-3 miles) and Ami said "there is no way that was 3 miles already" and I looked at her in a bit of confusion then realizing she thought I must have said "come run this 5K vs 5 mile with me"! HAHAHAHA!!! Joke was on me...she still had to slow down and wait on me!

Nikki was the grand winner, Scott came in second and Ami and I crossed at the same time! For mine and Ami's age group we came in at 6th and 7th place! Part of me says "wow!" and the other part of me says "we must have been the youngest in our 'old' age bracket".  Being that my husband hasn't been running and he still beat me and even admitted to me that he walked some just makes me explode with excitement for him ;-)!!!

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