Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Day with all 4 kids!!

I wasn't sure what I was going to do today with all 4 kids and dragging around with little to no sleep.  We started the day off with a little bit of school but that didn't last very long since Blake wanted to be held and needed to feed about every 2 hours.  I tried extra hard to get him to sleep in the swing then the bassinet but I had 3 extra little helpers who thought that whenever they heard him make the slightest noise they would try to pat his belly, turn the swing on/off, hand him his raccoon or pooh bear, cover him with blankets, etc... This caused Blake to have very little to no sleep so mommy held him :-).  I texted Scott with a UGH and a smile face, heart, frown face, and red mad face.  Thought he would see I was trying to be loving about my frustration but he must have thought I was really upset and he called.  Well that's all my hormones needed was to hear his voice.  That's when the tears began to flow.  Really I was OK it was just hearing his voice mixed with a flood of hormones and being very tired. 

We got through naps and met Becky, Katie and Jackson outside for some play.  Thankfully Becky was making us dinner so that was one less thing I had to worry about.  Then to our surprise Daddy walked in the door just before 5pm! I couldn't decide who was more or the kids ;-).

To end the day the boys made a big leap and accomplished the monkey bars by all by themselves! They started off with daddy's help but then they went off and flying all alone!! Abby couldn't stand not doing what her big brothers were doing so daddy helped her across too. 

Then Colby noticed Abby climbing up the rock wall all by herself which was a first for her too!

Last Daddy wanted to show off his P90X with a pull up.  How many did he do? That depends on who you ask!

Its bedtime and the house is still standing, kids are safe and snug in their bed, and mommy still has a long night ahead of her.  Lets all keep our fingers crossed that tomorrow will be just as good if not better. 

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