Friday, September 23, 2011

Getting out of the House!

Seriously I am not sure who is having a harder time being cooped or the kids.  Since I am trying to slowly get back out there and get some exercise I took the kids for a walk.  OK so you are wondering how can I do this with 4 kids and only a double stroller?  Before Blake was born Colby would ride his bike while Dylan and Abby would ride in the stroller.  I have encouraged Dylan to ride his bike too but he could barely make it two doors down so he always jumped in with Abby.  Today Dylan made a big leap and wanted to ride his bike too.  Off we went and I was making bets in my head on how far we would get before he complained of being tired then asking me to carry his bike.  To my surprise he did great!!  We went about a mile and a half! May not sound far to some but for a little boy who can barely walk around the corner to the park this was a big deal.  Now he is ready to get a bigger bike like Colby has.  Abby was in the stroller by herself today while Blake stayed home with Nana. 

Taking a break

Racing each other

Abby's ride....where's baby??

Spinning their tires as training wheels are on curb!
Colby was spraying water all over Dylan :-)

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