Monday, September 26, 2011

Homeschool Lesson for the Day!

So I bet you think homeschooling involves teaching phonics, reading, writing, math, etc... But today it involved teaching my kids, at a young age, about why Gods creatures are laying very still on the back porch!  Yes they went outside to play and I was changing to go out there with them.  Colby comes in and says "mommy there is something important I need to tell you...there is a bird dead on the back porch and he is really small!"  I respond with "what? your kidding me?" Nope no joke here poor little bird laying on the back porch, eyes open and as still as he could be!!  Colby then ask "how can he be dead if his eyes are open?".  Let the lesson begin.....

So I gently explain that he could have flown into one of our big stone planters or a cat could have gotten him.  When things die they don't always have their eyes closed.  I call Scott to tell him that not only will he be paying for the Harkness Kids therapy (another story about Simba eating a bird in front of them) but our own kids therapy.  I ask him what I am supposed to do and he says to bury the little fellow! Here we go into the woods to give this little bird a peaceful place to rest. 

In the middle of the play food that kids were to be cleaning up

Hole mommy dug for the bird

The cross we made for his grave

Kids praying for the bird

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