Friday, August 26, 2011

1st Soccer game for Dylan & Colby's 2nd season

Colby has played 2 seasons of T-Ball and 1 season of soccer.  Dylan has been a good sport and a great fan watching his big brother and cheering him.  When we told him that he was playing soccer this year you would have thought we told him he just won a year's worth of chocolate :-)! He has been so excited and has told everyone that he starts soccer in 2 weeks (sometimes he mixed weeks up with years but he knew he was getting to play). 

We are lucky to be on Carter and Lauren's team so it makes going to the games more fun for the kids and us! Colby touched (with his feet) more in the first game than he did all season last year. He played awesome defense and kept the other team from scoring a few times. Dylan actually got out there and chased the ball and tried hard to get contact vs running around in circles. Carter scored his 1st goal ever and Lauren decided that picking up the ball was better than letting the other team it!!! She also decided that the coach was her best friend and would not let go of her hand.

Its going to be a fun season!!

Dylan and Carter wrestling for the ball....
Lauren making sure her socks look good for the game

Colby practicing

Dylan waiting for his turn to practice kicking into goal

First position - goalie

Lauren in full action

Biggest Fan

Lauren as acting like a pure lady

Waiting for ball to be thrown in

In action

Go Colby!!

Doing his best to get the ball

Brothers teaming up to protect their team goal
Colby is telling Dylan "don't let the ball go into that net"

My 2 boys!!

Lauren playing with coach

Assistant coach helping Dylan get ready

Waiting for the ball....hello what's taking so long!!!

Go Dylan where's the ball?

So excited to have a ball and her own water bottle

Best buddies waiting to be called in or "coach Chris" to tell them to go out!

Carter, Colby, Lauren, & Dylan

After the games last year it became tradition to got o Mellow Mushroom for dinner.  Best bet we would get to sit in the front of the bus and the kids would go crazy playing as the adults sat and had adult beverages and chatted.  Tonight we had to wait a little bit to get our spot so the kids decided to do what their daddy's do best....belly up to the bar :-)!!!

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